Building and rebuilding agricultural and environmental projects from the ground up, establishing technically advanced and pioneering protected agricultural houses and production centers in accordance with customer and market demands
Agricultural operations and management of modern technical farms using the expertise of a team with extensive experience in production and sale to local and international markets
Establish logistic centers to support food processing techniques
Agriculture guidance and training, holding vocational training seminars (agricultural engineering and livestock) for local farmers, and creating a training concept to ensure a consistent long-term increase in agricultural product
Agriculture research and development using our technology and internal knowledge to create innovative stations and laboratories for agriculture and livestock research to predict the future of agriculture.
Utilization of renewable energy Techniques and equipment to eliminate odors and bacteria in slaughterhouses, dams, swamps and lakes.
High-tech firefighting equipment focused on the source of the fire without damaging the site.
Water purification in an innovative and unprecedented ways.
Combating and eliminating Red Palm Weevil once and for all using natural substances that are not harmful to the environment.
Air sterilization techniques and crowded, closed and open areas.